Age: 18
Birthday: Late in May
Label yourself (prep,goth,druggie,weirdo, etc.): I don't do labels...
How long have you been cutting?: 4-5 years...
Favorite tool?: mainly scissors sometimes razors
Where (place) do you cut? (school,home, etc.): usually the bathroom on my own...sitting on the toilet or in the shower
Do you have to hide your whole arm(s) (wrists,forearms,& upper arms etc)
No, the scars are barely visible
Do you have to wear long-sleeves & long-pants all the time?: No
Do you cut on your stomach, or chest?: not generally
Do you cut on your hands, neck, or face?: not usually...though sometimes my hands
Are your legs, arms, & other body parts covered in scars?: not really
What's your favorite excuse to use when someone asks about a cut/scar?: They are barely people never see them...but one time a friend saw a cut and I said it was a cat scratch...lame i know...
Off the top of your head, about how many scars do you have?: a few...basically invisible...
Have you ever been hospitalized because of your cutting?: No
Do you have (diagnosed or not) Depression, and/or Bipolar/BPD?: maybe a little depression...
Who knows you cut?: My RA, RD and a few random friends
Have you ever been caught cutting?: no
Have your parents ever confronted you about a bloody sleeve, or towel?: no
Did you have a good childhood?: most of it...until jr high...
Why do you cut?: it helps me to deal with emotions that I don't know how to express
Have you ever talked to a therapist or counselor?: Yes
Do you want to stop cutting, but cant because of addiction?: I have mainly stopped...but the pressure to start again is sometimes almost unbearable...and I have messed up...
Do you like cutting?: that is a wierd question....I don't really like it...but I don't know how i would have gotten through the things i went through without it...
How many times have you tried to complete suicide?: self-harm is about living through crap...not dying...
What are your views on cutting, and other self-injury?: I understand what people have gone through to make them feel the way they do that leads to self-harm...because I have gone through it too...
Do you like watching movies with Self-injury?: depends on my mood...
Do you like looking at pictures of Self-injury?: again depends on my mood...
Do you sometimes envy other people? (non-self-injurers): depends...we all have crap to deal with in life...
Have you ever taken any pictures of your cuts/scars?: yes, but I don't post them online generally...
Do you want to die? if yes, Why?: No
Have you ever done a school assignment on cutting, or self-injury?: Yes, I actually just wrote a paper on it...
What do you like to listen too while cutting?: I don't listen to anything...
Have you ever needed stitches from cutting? no
Do you dream about cutting? no
Would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend that is also a cutter?: maybe because they would understand...but no because I don't want them to have to deal with that type of pain...
What do you use to bandage your cuts after a session?: I cover my cuts with gauze and tape generally
if anyone has any other questions let me know...I will most likely answer them...
Emmy R.
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