November 10, 2008


So yesterday I found out that a friend of mine's mom had passed away that morning. I really don't know what to think about this. I love my friend's mom a TON! She was an amazing person! I don't think it has quite hit me yet though, I mean I cried when my mom called and told me, but i don't think it will truly hit me until I go back home. And it really sucks because I don't think I will get any closure because I am too far away to go home for the funeral.

In other news...

one of my friends is pissed off at me...for a reason that I feel is immature. I am really trying to not let it bug me but it is hard because I don't have that many friends here at college. I hate having friends who are always pessimistic and this friend is usually that way, sometimes it is understandable, but other times it just downright bugs me. Tonight she was having a really pessimistic attitude about a virus that is supposedly going around campus (there are no confirmed cases as of yet). She was like 'we are all going to die!' and I told her that we weren't...that it wasn't even confirmed and she went all apeshit and posted her facebook status as "HER NAME is annoyed with people who always tell her she's wrong... *cough* MY NAME *cough*... >:(" I mean is that really necessary? The only other time I have contradicted her (and I don't really know if it was even a contradiction) was when she was ranting on and on after the election about how our country was going to be screwed over by Obama. Now I didn't vote for Obama, but I still don't think that he is going to screw our country over. I find that in life when you have a pessimistic attitude about things those things tend to happen to you. For example if you are only expecting bad things from a future president you are going to watch him and every little mess up you are going to be like "See? What did I tell you?" Or another example, if you are freaking out about getting sick then you are probably going to look for even the slightest sniffle and be like “see I knew I would get sick”
So because of those things I try to have a positive attitude about everything (Though I do have my off moments like anyone else). I hate to have people mad at me but I am not going to apologize for this one though, I don’t feel that it is my fault. If anyone reads this, though I don’t think I have any readers, would you let me know what you think? Is this my fault? Or is she just being stupid about all of this?

Oh and a quick update…she is IMing me on facebook now…I am going to post our conversation word for word…

*begin IM*
Her: i'm sorry, but you keep telling me that i have no idea what i'm talking about.. we have the same thing that Hope does, no matter what the name of the virus is.. just don't come into my town and tell me that you know all about this school and the health department... i wouldn't do that if i went to cali...i've lived here for 19 years.. i think i know what i'm talking about.. and just b/c the health dept. hasn't confirmed it doesn't mean it's not here
Me: look i am over this and i don't want to discuss this...if you want to be pessimistic about everything in this world...I choose to have a more positive outlook on choose whatever you want to...
Her: don't be pissed at me... this outburst from me has been coming for a long time.. you people come into MY backyard and tell me that I'm doing everythign wrong.. i don't say "soda", or i say "pop" wrong, or i do everything else differently.. well guess what? you came here... not my problem that we're different than it was where you came from... i'm getting really sick of being ragged on b/c i say things differently.. you came to Michigan; i didn't go to California, so deal with it
Me: ok know what? if you want us to stop then please ask us is an important guys bug me about things that i say as well...just because I come from california doesn't make it all of a sudden ok...but you know what...I don't mind...if i did then I would let you know...I would tell you to your face...
Her: all i ask is that when you're on MY turf, don't make fun of me. you chose to come here, and you knew that cultural differences were something you were gonna have to deal with. and the only reason i'm not telling you to your face is because i don't want to get sick and yelling at you isn't worth it. and yes, if i want to be pessimistic, i'm damn well gonna be pessimistic..
Me: ok fine...I am done with this go be pessimistic by yourself...I don't need that in my life right now...i had enough "friends" in my life before that screwed me over and if you don't want to be a good friend to me then I am not even going to mess with it...I am done...I am not going to back down an be weak like I have always done in the past...good night...and good bye...if you still want to be friends then let me know but it doesn't sound like you even like me very much...if that is the case...I am done...
Her: sounds good
*end IM*

well there you have it folks…we’re no longer friends…oh well…

I just don’t care anymore…

-Emmy R.

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